Garies REE Project

Garies REE Project

More information coming soon.


The Company’s Garies REE project, which is 70% owned and situated in the Northern Cape Province of South Africa, 235 kilometres south of Namibia, has the potential to be an oustanding rare earth deposit, with initial sample grades in excess of 5% Total Rare Earth Oxide (TREO) which, if confirmed as a JORC resource of this grade, would place it amongst the highest grade REE deposits in the world.

The distribution of the various Rare Earth Elements within the Garies TREO concentrate compares very favourably with most competitors.

Initial drill sample analysis indicates that the high value rare earth elements Neodymium (Nd) and Praseodymium (Pr) constitute more than 20% and 5% respectively and another higher value element Dysprosium (Dy) over 1% as a percentage of TREO content across two of Garies’ target areas.

Gariees REE Project

Garies REE distribution as
a percentage of TREO content


Project Highlights

The Garies project has the potential to be a world class Rare Earths deposit and differentiates itself from most competitors for the following reasons:

Gariees REE Project

Note * Assuming a TREO of 4%, Basket value 1 Aug 2023 USD 1,054.15, Au Price of USD 1949.06


20 JORC Exploration Targets identified – four are possible plug-like bodies and the rest are linear features

Drill Hole TREO % (above 1% cut-off)

8 of 14 initial drill holes intersected monazite-apatite-magnetite type mineralization close to surface